jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

MySQL::Ping will automatically reopen a closed connection in a way where
the existing connection object can still be used.
If MySQL::Ping fails something really bad is going on.

To reduce the number of ping's in my application I used a timer which
was tested before every call to a database function.
If the timer expired I did a ping to ensure mysql is reconnected.

This is the code sqlobject is using :

while (1):
       return cursor.execute(query)
    except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e:
       if e.args[0] == 2013: # SERVER_LOST error
           if self.debug:
               self.printDebug(conn, str(e), 'ERROR')

So, checking for SERVER_LOST and then eventually using MySQL::Ping would
do the trick.


Sorry if that is mentioned somewhere, I missed the begining of the thread, but I just want to add, that MySQL is not the only SQL server in use. And this particular problem is not MySQL specific - I'm having troubles with disappearing connections with PostgreSQL, which doesn't have MySQL::Ping. The patch, that was proposed already - use a SELECT statement to ensure the connection is available - is not the best solution at least in my case, because my code never dares to store, or reuse a connection, knowing that connections are being managed by Zope (with a volatile attribute) and this turns into one getConnection() call per request. I was thinking about handling exceptions, because it does generate exception at the end and I know I need to reconnect when I see it in the log (restart the server actually, because I authenticate trough the SQL database). I do hope however that I will be able to configure the SQL server in a way to prevent the connection from dissappearing at all, when the time comes to solve this problem.

Velko Ivanov
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