Jim Fulton wrote:
Martijn Faassen wrote:

While it's true that this is normal for you and me, I think the cause of "zope is just a library" is much helped if we *also* consider it normal for Zope to be installed into site-packages.

I'm not convinced that Zope is "just a library".  Certainly,
the zope package is just a library, but I don't think that
the app server is.

So, I just want to point out that your statement of what is normal doesn't imply that we consider installation with `configure` without '--prefix' as *abnormal* and that this is something we should support.

Jim tries to figure out this triple negative ... :)

Sorry. :)

On Linux, configure with without --prefix does *not* install Zope into
site-packages.  It creates a top-level directory for Zope in /usr/local.

Okay, point taken.

Furthermore, we do install Zope into site-packages on Windows and this
(convenient for us) decision hasn't exactly been popular.

So, I reiterate that we should distinguish between releases of Zope
packages and releases of the application server.  I'm pretty convinced
that the app server is *not* a library and shouldn't be treated as such.

But the app server does use parts of Zope 3 that *are* libraries, so perhaps we should start thinking about splitting things up somehow?


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