On Feb 6, 2006, at 3:26 PM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
Gary Poster wrote:
Me too. Maybe even a +(0<x<1). Zope 3: Revolution, Zope 3:
Renaissance, and Zope 3: Rebirth were my favorites of the bunch. :-)
Well, a new name for Zope 3 sounded like such a bad idea that it
didn't even occur to me that someone would suggest it. We'd have
to live with whatever name we choose. Arghhh! I'm not sure I
could handle the pain. ;-) Release names would be OK because they
change often.
LOL. :-)
I don't feel strongly about it...unless someone who actually makes a
marketing effort feels strongly about it, in which case I'm 100%
behind whichever way they feel. ;-)
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