Michael Haubenwallner wrote:
Gary Poster wrote:

I'm not sure shuffling the hype and Zope 3 marketing conversations to zope-web is a good idea. I'm not trying to fix zope.org (eek), and I'm not trying to improve the Zope 2 image (though that would be nice too). I, and I think others, are interested in marketing Zope 3.

As such, are we really such a big group that we should divide up onto a *third* list (zope3-users, zope3-dev, and zope-web)? I haven't signed up there yet, myself. I feel like going off isolates the people working on the marketing stuff: new blood doesn't see the work and possibly join in; and old easily-annoyed-and-unsubscribed-to-yet- another-freaking-list blood doesn't have visibility of the work.

Yes, this has been a lot of email messages, but I'd rather hang out together.


'Zope-web' has always been the list to talk about zope websites related stuff (there's just been zope.org until now).

If its about scope and implementation it should be on zope-web.

Working on marketing stuff (and i think you are talking about content and direction here) could as well happen in zope3-dev or zope3-users lists.

Right, zope-web is for working together and building a better web presence for Zope. I happen to believe that this is absolutely essential, vital, and integral to marketing Zope. It's the core of how we present ourselves, and everything else is less than secondary, if done in isolation from a better communication on what Zope is, what it's good for, etc.

Evidently a lot of people disagree with me on this, and think that fixing these other aspects of Zope marketing first will work better. I haven't really seen an explanation for how that would work while we retain the present zope.org as the only web presence Zope 2 and Zope 3 have. Somehow people don't seem to be discussing other activities much in the recent threads, such as the writing intro text, of tutorials, designing and presenting screencasts, gathering links and other information.

So, if you just want to chat about marketing, there's no need at all to go to zope-web. Perhaps you shouldn't in fact, as it might distract us from the core task at hand there, which is zope.org. If you agree with me that the website is the core problem we need to tackle (and the other issues will come along with it), then please join zope-web and help us write text, organize a website, refine a website layout, and so on.


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