Where are exists 'agreement about standart views'?
I think it's need for development components for site. 
Example of my problem:
I have two 3th-party components 'Forum' and 'News'. And i want easy
insert 'Last Forums Items'-box and 'Last News'-box into left column of
my site pages. I think authors of Forum and News must develop
'@@presentationSlotBox'-view according 'agreement about standart views'
for easy insert into site :
1) @@presentationSlotBox from 'Forum' present 'Last Forums items'-box.
2) @@presentationSlotBox from 'News' present 'Last News'-box.
In this case site main-template will be easy:
/* ZPT */
<-- left column -->
<span tal:content="site/forum/@@presentationSlotBox"/>
<span tal:content="site/news/@@presentationSlotBox"/>
<span tal:content="site/calendar/@@presentationSlotBox"/>

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