Benji York wrote:
>> Good point. There's the question: Does this "zed" thing need a different
>> name at all? If we want other people to pick it up, then it seems like a
>> good idea to distinguish it from Zope-the-app-server. Paul seems to
>> suggest that in his response.
>> How about zopelib?
> If we want people outside of the zope community to use these components,
> they should not have the word "zope" anywhere in their name.  If it says
> "zope" people will *always* assume it is for use only with/inside Zope
> (Zope 2 more often than not).
> I've seen this when I've told people about testing their web apps with
> zope.testbrowser.  Their first response is invariably "oh, I can't use
> that; I'm not using Zope."
> Therefore, whatever the bag-o-components is named it should not contain
> "zope".  "Z" or "zed" would be OK with me (especially if we could come
> up with some decent domain names that are still available).

I agree. zopelib was just a compromise for the people who like to keep
the "zed" thing somewhat associated with Zope-the-project whereas we
don't want this to be associated too closely with
Zope-the-application-server for the reasons you state above.

In the end the question is where we draw the line in all of this.

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