Jim Fulton wrote:

>> out of curiosity, what are the things that make a reload not robust ?
>> is it just a matter of dependencies or it's deeper ?
> I was hoping that someone else would answer this directly. :)
> Shane did largely answer it, but I'll try to be more direct and
> concise:
> When you reaload a module, the module source is recompiled and
> executed.  Values defined in the new version overwrite values of
> the same name in the old version.  This has lots of implications:
> - Client modules that imported names using from:
>     from oldmodule import somename
>   Don't see the update.
> - Instances of classes defined in the module remain instances
>   of the old classes.
> - Writable global data is overwritten.  This is a common source
>   of subtle bugs when a module defines a registry or cache.
> There are probably other interesting things I'm not thinking of.
> There are ways of working around these issues, but they require
> special techniques that aren't always followed or can be defeated.
> Jim
Ok, thanks for the explanation


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