Just checking if I'm missing something -- with the removal of HTTP streaming/chunking in 3.2, this means that the async bi-directional persistent socket communications associated with Ajax is NOT possible at this time? That a request/response must quickly run to completion on a thread and cannot hang on to that thread to asynchronously communicate with the client?

I've been doing this in Twisted (actually Nevow's live page API) and had hoped to migrate some code over to Zope3. Since Zope3 incorporates Twisted, I'm wondering if I can beat on it enough to be able to run my Twisted code "underneath" the existing Zope3/Publisher arrangement.

If anyone is currently doing Ajax in Zope3, I'd be interested in talking with them. I saw a brief flurry of emails some months ago about adopting one of the existing Javascript frameworks and then adjusting Zope3's API to generically work with any such framework but no further discussion since.


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