On Mon, 15 May 2006 19:02:15 +0100, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> I'm pretty sure the fundamental AJAX pattern is that you send
> XMLHttpRequests on some event, either a timer (so it polls) or a user
> action (e.g. an on-click handler). I've never seen the pattern of a
> persistent connection ... if you have that, you may as well just write a
> traditional socket client/server application and deal with scalability
> there. :)

I think there would be a use case for that, only that would require
browser side support, and since it does not exist (actually it seems it
does in Mozilla now?), it is only a theoretical possibility at this time.

However there is nothing that would keep away a server to be "aware" of
currently open pages and be able to send notifications to them. This would
also require server support for registering open connections. This pattern
might even turn out to be so useful, that we will see it generally
supported in five years from now.

On the other hand the same functionality can also be accomplished by
"traditional" AJAX polling. So at the moment, when talking about AJAX, one
usually speaks of the currently implementable "server pull"

Balazs Ree

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