Hi Philipp, Florent

> > There *is* a way to check whether the error resulted from 
> the current 
> > frame or a lower frame. Introspections like these have the 
> tendency to 
> > be or become hacks, but then again, we use frame 
> inspections in other 
> > places, too.
> Yes, I was about to suggest using the standard PJE trick used 
> elsewhere in Zope 3 (to check for deep ImportErrors), namely:
> try:
>    ob()
> except (TypeError, AttributeError):
>    if sys.exce_info()[2].tb_next is not None:
>      raise
>    # here we know the exception was not "deep"
>    # so the object isn't callable

Good point

Roger Ineichen

> Florent

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