On Sep 12, 2006, at 8:58 AM, Christian Theune wrote:
Ack. One thing that bothers me (and it's totally possible that I'm
missing some documentation from zope.org) is that the overall process
isn't well documented, so it's hard for me (and probably other people)
to jump in and do stuff.

Um. I'm sure that it could be clearer, but how complicated is it really?
You fix the bug on the release branch, including updating CHANGES,txt,
merge the change to the trunk, and resolve the issue.

Right now I *feel* like only Stephan and Jim know how to triage bugs and
that I'll do something that won't be right.

Huh?  There's no magic or special expertise involved.

I probably could just go
forward, but I have a bad feeling about my knowledge about the process,
and I don't want to feel bad, so I don't do it. (Which makes me feel
just slightly bad because I didn't do anything. ;) )

I think you are making this harder than it really is.

FWIW, I use the following approach:

- Early in the process, I mark every real reproducable bug as blocking.
  In this last go around, this included a number of bugs that had been
  around for months or years.

- Later in the process I downgraded lots of bugs because I didn't want to
  block the release.

If people report bugs during beta testing, I think it's important to resolve
the bugs reported, otherwise, why should people bother testing.  If
people aren't going to test, then why have beta releases.  Why should
anyone use Zope if we don't bother testing it.


2. Feature freeze the trunk until the previous release has made it to
release candidate status

You mean don't branch the trunk (and thus let it be the release branch)
until the release has made it to release candidate status?

+1. Keep things focused on the release during the release cycle is useful.

Right. In addition to that, I'd love to have a single "status" page (a
bit like Mozilla has) that says:

- Zope 3.2 is in maintenance mode, please make sure bugs are ported
  to this release.
- Zope 3.3 is in release mode (beta).
  Please fix bugs until XXX. No features allowed.
- The trunk is frozen.

(Or whatever information is appropriate at a given point in time)

Sounds great. I'm sure one of our copious volunteers will make it happen.

+100 for the button. (A huge wiki page on how to do a release does *not*
account for a button)

I can't think of a civil response to this, so I'll just hold my tongue.


Jim Fulton                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Python 
CTO                             (540) 361-1714                  
Zope Corporation        http://www.zope.com             http://www.zope.org

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