
Am Dienstag, den 16.01.2007, 20:28 +0100 schrieb Dieter Maurer:
> Sidnei da Silva wrote at 2007-1-15 17:25 -0200:
> > ...
> >The kind of info I'm looking for is something along the lines:
> >
> >  'We've tried to look up an adapter for (ISomething, ITheOther) but
> >none was found'
> >  'Found an adapter for IFoo, which is a base class for the IBar
> >interface requested. No adapter has been found for the most-specific
> >interface IBar'
> >
> >Comments?
> In Zope 2, I would use "__traceback_info__" or (more likely)
> "__traceback_supplement__" and the traceback formatting
> facilities in "zExceptions.ExceptionFormatter".
> This is a very efficient way to analyse all problems that
> result in an exception -- far better than log entries.

Zope 3 has that as well. However, this only gives you the information of
the stack. It doesn't give you information created during the run of
e.g. loops, which I imagine would be interesting to create a trail of
"what did you do?" information. 

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