On Mar 26, 2007, at 8:45 PM, Martijn Faassen wrote:
I think we can safely conclude that:

* there is no silver bullet in all this (your point)


* there is probably room for improvement.



My hopes:

* is that there is some low-hanging fruit in improving things.

Possibly, including through education.


* that we may be able to provide some more infrastructure to help
developers in scaling particular catalog usage scenarios (batching
with sorting).

Possibly, although if this is really a goal, it will require:

- Educating people on how hard this is and

- Providing infrastructure that let's people record use alternate document ids or supplementary document ids. (Not even thinking about relevance ranks.) I suspect that such an infrastructure will be too hard to use for many people.

I still get the impression that you think that batching is more of an opportunity than it really is. Yes, it does reduce time significantly, but still not enough to achieve scalability. (It really only lets you deal with somewhat larger small result sets.)

I argue these points as you initially gave me the strong impression
saying that there's no point in even talking about all this.

I never said any such thing, In fact, I spent quite a bit of effort talking about it.

that I thought we were actually going somewhere with this discussion,
but you now strengthen this impression by apparently giving up in
exasparation. That is what is making *me* slightly exasparated. :)

Fine. I gave up because you dismiss literature and theory. You seem to imply that "in practice" there is some kind of magic that will somehow make sorts go fast despite any theoretical basis. This convinced me that further discussion was a waste of time.


Jim Fulton                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Python 
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