Baiju M wrote:

Christian Theune wrote:

 Am Sonntag, den 22.04.2007, 15:11 -0400 schrieb Benji York:

> David Pratt wrote:
>> Any idea what is happening with the site?
>> Getting distribution for Error: Can't download
>> 403 Forbidden
> That file isn't world-readable. scp (appears to be) using the file
> permissions as they are on the uploading file system. We need
> some way to guarantee that the resulting permissions are such that
> files placed in /distribution/ will be accessible. (Someone who
> has sudo on that machine will have to fix those permissions, I
> can't.)
> A chmod in a cron job is the best idea I have. Others?

 Gnarf. Right. That's my fault. My personal settings are user/group
 readable on my machine and scp blindly takes over those files.

 IMHO tweaking the masks on the target system could help, but I have
 no idea.

Can anyone fix the permissions of these packages in server.
Or should we release '3.4.0a1-1' ?

 >>> from pkg_resources import parse_version
 >>> parse_version('3.4.0a1') < parse_version('3.4.0a1-1')

btw, some packages are not tagged:


I have compiled a list of eggs to be created in 'releases/eggs-to-created.txt' now.

Sorry, the file is here now: releases/eggs-to-be-created.txt

Baiju M

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