
Am Donnerstag, den 03.05.2007, 18:23 -0400 schrieb Tres Seaver:
> Typically whenever somebody who knows both "decides" that the satellite
> has changes which need pulling into Z3;  at the latest, they get updated
> when doing a Z3 release, I would guess.  This is like what happens now
> with ZODB, etc., or with Zope3 as an external in Zope2.

Hmm. Right. So those would be less often updated. Typically only after
waiting for (a number of) the external packages to have stabilized after
new features were added and are gathered together as the classical

> I think we are headed to a place where much less "trunk-like"
> development, except for things which have not yet (or maybe ever) been
> spun off into satellite projects.

I'm currently working on getting the whole zope.* and zope.app.*
namespace turned into satellite projects. A script is helping me so that
should be done pretty soon.


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