On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 10:09:18AM +0200, Adam Groszer wrote:
> Hello,
> How to solve the \r\n and \n mismatch between win32 and *nix in the
> doctests?
> doctest is:
> """
>     >>> ctrl.value
>     '        Text inside\n        area!\n      '
> """
> fails with (on win32):
> """
> Failed example:
>     ctrl.value
> Expected:
>     '        Text inside\n        area!\n      '
> Got:
>     '          Text inside\r\n          area!\r\n        '
> """
> ctrl.value comes from a html file in zope.testbrowser.ftests

You could do

    >>> ctrl.value.replace('\r', '')

or strip the \r's in the place where you're reading that html file.

Marius Gedminas
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