Christian Theune wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 26.09.2007, 08:49 +0000 schrieb Christian Theune:

here is an update.

The issue is that the eggs were released as ZIP files and for some
reason those don't work correctly with the data files.

I can reproduce the problem by creating the packages myself as ZIP files
(doesn't work) and then as tar files (does work).

My proposal for what to do (Roger, maybe you can do that?):

- Remove the broken files.

- Create tags for the wrong trunk releases

- Create a new release and tag in tar format.

I'll show what I mean by releasing a fix for

Hmm. While doing that I also noticed that we were at 3.4.0a1 yesterday
evening. The stable release was made from that without making a
maintenance branch and bumping the trunk to 3.5.

We decided not to bump minor release in trunk recently while making
these final release, is it ?

(But I have already bumped some of them earlier, but we can change it
unless a 3.5 release has come out)

Baiju M
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