Hi Corey,

What I can say, with my really limited Zope3 experience, is that this amount of 
ZCML is comparable to the amount of XML config files needed for Java J2EE 
development (Enterprise Java Beans, anyone?).

So there's at least one other component-architecture which requires comparable 
sh**loads of configuration, for even less functionality (or perhaps I should 
say - different kinds of functionality?).
And for J2EE too, all this config-data is really the domain of the 
app.developers only, not the domain of any admin.

And in J2EE, you can really screw up your application by changing as little as 
1 line in the config -- I imagine it's gonna be the same in ZCML.
And you won't even notice that you screwed up your app until you start testing 
with more load, more users, and suddenly the output is all wrong and the 
database corrupt and oops, some developer forgot to set some property here on 
one EJB bean and the database-access is done in the wrong way and transactions 
aren't held ... etc...

I'm not sure if this is typical for Component Architectures, but it is a trend 
seen in more places. And it requires you, as developer, to be coding 
simultanuously in two places: in the code, and in the config.

cheers and much luck getting through it,


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Corey
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:32 AM
To: zope3-users@zope.org
Subject: [Zope3-Users] woah... zcml O.D.

Appologies if some of these questions seem naive, I'm just beginning to more 
thoroughly delve into zope3 - of which I've been very impressed so far.

However - is it just me, or does zope3 seem to require a rather massive amount 
of configuration?

Is that specifically an artifact of Component Architectures in general?  Or is 
this by design?

Are "site administrators" really supposed to understand all that zcml in the 
configure.zcml files, or are they more realistically the domain of component 
developers? It seems to me that the configure.zcml looks almost as if it 
would basically be considered "hands off", once the application/component was 
coded and installed. 

Generally how much of any particular configure.zcml could - practically 
speaking - be modified in a usefull manner?

Even for relatively smallish apps, such as the buddydemo and zwiki, the 
configure.zcml file seem quite large; I hate to imagine what a more involved 
and complex app would do.

Am I just looking at it wrong? Perhaps the basic idea is small amounts of 
code, and large amounts of configuration/meta-programming via zcml?

Many thanks, and again sorry if I'm judging things prematurely based on my 
limited experience with zope3.



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