Am Samstag, 17. September 2005 15:10 schrieb Florian Lindner:
> Hello,
> I've a wierd error.
> I've a configure.zcml with:
>     <addform
>         schema="CS.Link.interfaces.ILink"
>         name="AddCSLink.html"
>         content_factory=""
>         permission="CS.Add"
>         layer="centershock"
>     />
>     <addMenuItem
>         title="Link"
>         class=""
>         view="AddCSLink.html"
>         permission="CS.Add"
>         for="CS.ContentFolder.interfaces.IContentFolder"
>         menu="CSaddMenu"
>     />
> But this gives a configuration error upon startup:
>   File "/home/florian/Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/",
> line 214, in _checkViewFor
>     raise ConfigurationError(
> zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationExecutionError:
> zope.configuration.exceptions.ConfigurationError: view name AddCSLink.html
> not found
>   in:
>   File
> "/home/florian/Desktop/zope/lib/python/CS/Link/browser/skin/configure.zcml"
>, line 20.4-27.6
>       <addMenuItem
>           title="Link"
>           class=""
>           view="AddCSLink.html"
>           permission="CS.Add"
>           for="CS.ContentFolder.interfaces.IContentFolder"
>           menu="CSaddMenu"
>       />
> I really don't understand why the view is not found...

I still have this problem. Is it just to easy so that noone answers me or does 
really nobody knows some help?

I'm really stuck with that. If somebody knows something, _please_ answer!


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