Dominik Huber wrote:
> Rupert Redington wrote:
>>  <adapter
>>      for=".interfaces.ILink"
>>      provides=".interfaces.ILinkDetails"
>>      factory=".link.LinkDetails"
>>      trusted="True"
>>      />
> if you use trusted adapters you have to declare an additional class or
> content directive for the adapter itself.:
>  <class class=".link.LinkDetails">
>    <require
>        permission="zope.View"
>        interface=".interfaces.ILinkDetails"
>        />
>    <require
>        permission="zope.ManageContent"
>        set_schema=".interfaces.ILinkDetails"
>        />
>  </class>
> regards,
> dominik

Thank you - thats an instafix.

I only added the "trusted" declaration to get round an earlier error in
which the adapter couldn't access the objects annotations...

Am I right in thinking that a trusted adapter isn't really necessary for
this sort of use? How would one then aviod being denied access to the

Thanks again,


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