On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 22:18 +0100, Florian Lindner wrote:
> Thanks for your example. But I've the same error, a 404.
> in views.py:
> from zope.formlib.form import EditForm
> from interfaces import IRegistrationForm
> class registrationForm(EditForm):
>     form_fields = IRegistrationForm
> in configure.zcml:
>     <page
>         name="registrationForm.html"
>         class=".views.registrationForm"
>         permission="zope.Public"
>         layer="centershock"
>         for="CS.centershock.interfaces.ICentershock" />
> And I try to call it with:
> /++skin++centershock/cs/registerForm.html whereas cs is a ICentershock object.
> It still gives a 404.
> Any guess what's wrong?

What happens if you changed your view.py to:

from zope.formlib.form import Form
class registrationForm(Form):


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