This should definitely be a prominent How-To somewhere.

On 3/7/06, Andreas Elvers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Florian Lindner wrote:
> > Hello,
> > my content object depends on a number of utilities to be present. It is
> > usually also used as a site. During development it happens often that I
> > delete and recreate it.
> > Can I install a hook or something so I can make that these utilies are being
> > created when my objects becomes a site? How do I create utitlies in software
> > space?
> Hi,
> I'm creating a special add view of my application (). If you add a foo
> it will be created with a LocalSiteManager and a catalog. Hope this
> helps.
> Any other ways of doing this ?
> - Andreas
> in your browser configure:
> <configure
>    xmlns="";>
>    <addform
>      label="Add foo with initialization"
>      name="AddMyContent.html"
>      class=".foo.AddFoo"
>      schema="myapp.interfaces.IFoo"
>      content_factory=""
>      fields="name"
>      permission="zope.ManageContent"
>      />
> ...
> </configure>
> Now create the view class you defined in the browser configure.zcml
> inside
> from import zapi
> from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
> from import site
> from import Catalog
> from import ICatalog
> from import ObjectCreatedEvent
> from zope.event import notify
> from myapp.helper import addLocalUtility
> class Foo(object):
>     class AddFoo(object):
>      """ Add a foo.
>      This special addform class is needed to add special initialization.
> (Catalog init)
>      """
>      def createAndAdd(self,data):
>          content = super(AddFoo, self).createAndAdd(data)
>          # get foo object, stripping off security proxy
>          bare = removeAllProxies(content)
>          # create a LocalSiteManager
>          sm = site.LocalSiteManager(bare)
>          # and assign it to Labor folder
>          content.setSiteManager(sm)
>          # Catalog setup
>          cat = Catalog()
>          addLocalUtility(bare,'fooCatalog',
>                          ICatalog,
>                          cat)
>          notify(ObjectCreatedEvent(cat))
> I found addLocalUtility somewhere in the zope mailing lists.
> from import zapi
> from import INameChooser
> from import ActiveStatus
> from import ISite
> from import UtilityRegistration
> def addLocalUtility(site, name, iface, utility, package='default'):
>      """Add a utility to a site
>      The utility is added to the package and activated.
>      This assumes the site has already a Utility Service.
>      """
>      # preconditions
>      if not ISite.providedBy(site):
>          raise TypeError('ISite required.')
>      # get site manager and site management folder
>      sitemanager = site.getSiteManager()
>      default = sitemanager[package]
>      # add utility to site management folder
>      chooser = INameChooser(default)
>      folder_name = chooser.chooseName(utility.__name__, utility)
>      default[folder_name] = utility
>      # create service registration
>      path = zapi.getPath(utility)
>      registration = UtilityRegistration(name, iface, utility)
>      key = default.registrationManager.addRegistration(registration)
>      zapi.traverse(default.registrationManager, key).status = ActiveStatus
>      return zapi.traverse(sitemanager, path)
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