ah, hah!  that would be why no matter what i do to the template, it
doesn't change anything.  I guess, since "viewlet" takes a template
argument in zcml, i assumed it was using it.  thanks, as always, Gary.

On 4/6/06, Gary Poster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2006, at 7:27 PM, Alen Stanisic wrote:
> > Hi Pete,
> >
> > I assign templates in view classes when using formlib:
> >
> > from zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile import
> > ViewPageTemplateFile
> > class ConsumerRegistrarForm(form.Form):
> >     .
> >     .
> >     template = ViewPageTemplateFile('registrar.zpt')
> >     .
> >     .
> That's the way you do it, or with a named template, or with a custom
> render method.
> >
> > I would also be interested to find out if zcml template directive
> > could
> > still be used with formlib forms.
> Nope.  Maybe you could write a render method that looked in the right
> place; I don't remember those details anymore.
> Gary

"All guilt is relative, loyalty counts, and never let your conscience
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