Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> Marco Mariani wrote:
>> Rupert Redington wrote:
>>> from import getInteraction
>>> request = getInteraction().participations[0]
>>> Why this works is outlined (IIRC) in zope/app/securitypolicy/zopepolicy.txt.
>>> There may well be better ways to fish for the request than this... any
>>> offerings?
>> In my understanding, if you need to look for the request inside a
>> content object, you're doing something that should be done in another
>> place, be it a view or an adapter.

I understand this... I think...

> Indeed.
>> Of course, I've been wrong before :-]
> Not this time :).
> The hack displayed above (going thru the security interaction) should
> not be considered a standard procedure for getting at the request in
> places where you don't have it. Content objects are dull. They do
> nothing. Other stuff does things *to* them. Mats' solution is the better
> one.

That's me told :-)

The place I found myself doing this was not in a content object, but in
a local utility which needed to return some absolute urls:

siteurl = zapi.absoluteURL(getSite(), getInteraction().participations[0])

I really don't like passing the request from the view to the utility's
method - I often end up calling one utility from another and feel
uncomfortable with forwarding the request through several calls - it
just seems ugly.

I realise that I shouldn't use zapi anymore... apart from that - what
can I do to achieve the effect of lines like the one above without
resorting to a hack?

Furthermore I sometimes find myself using this in event subscribers - I
can't see any way to get request data from an event...

What am I missing this time?


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