Roger Ineichen wrote:
Hi David

Hi Roger. This is really interesting. It would be good to see a very small demo of these nice packages you have been contributing - something that would put together the minimal layer, menu package, and a few basic viewlets just to give folks a basic idea of what can be acheived 'minimally'. Also a clearer understanding of where to use trusted over the basic layer. I would seem that this is the road to some very dynamic skinning flexibility.

That whould be nice, but right now I don't have time for doing
such a *how to* sample. Let me know if somebody likes to doing
this. Perhaps I can help a little bit.

Hi Roger. I'd be willing to give this a try. Perhaps the Boston skin can be broken into smaller viewlets as a means of providing this howto so that I don't have to create everything. I you are happy with this, I will keep in touch offlist.

The one thing perhaps missing from this is a mechanism for storing and manipulating viewlets and selecting a template on a container. Perhaps a template manager is also needed. What I am missing from Zope2 is the simple ability to drop an index.html or different template into a folder as a simple way to make folder views that are based on site context. Sites can be pretty terrible otherwise if they are not sensitive to where you are and display the same organization of viewlets. If viewlets/viewlet managers and a template can be maintained as annotations on a container and the weighting of viewlet managers manipulated through a form instead of zcml then we'd be cooking with gas. :-)

I agree on that, at least on the functionality. Stephan and I will implement a portlet like concept some time in the future. Such a concept will support to build standalone applications as viewlets with own urls and states etc. This should be enough base for all future concepts where I can think about.

CPSSkins does this from a portlet perspective but its implementation is not yet complete. I not clear of how viewlets fit into CPSSkins at this point as a result. Perhaps this will come to light. I have made crude themes and portlets but have not yet been able to assign the theme/theme page to a path. This will be part of the Site Manager functionality. JM has been away for a bit but I have been following this closely for some time.

It can create a theme and a theme page but the css is very tightly integrated into the WYSIWYG interface and auto-generates the css classes and ids. Though it has all sorts of potential, I am much more at home writing and testing stylesheets than going back to my days with Dreamweaver. The autogeneration of classes and ids would make it difficult to style writing your own css in resource files. I'd rather just hang the css on the structures, breaking it only into a small number of files and be done with it.


Roger Ineichen


Roger Ineichen wrote:
Hi Jeff

With the ZMI, I end up asking "is this the UI I want to deliver to my customer?" And the answer is rarely "yes!" I feel like I have to arm wrestle a lot more to turn off and hide features. I still don't really understand how the 'Add' menu works.
Did you see the layer package I commited to the z3c repos the last days? There is now a minimal layer which allows you to build very easy a own administration interface.

This isn't a criticism of the ZMI skin. It just hasn't been a fit for any of our customers or applications, which makes it very hard to support. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to do away with. But it also feels very hard to migrate away from if that's where ones initial work is.
We really should use the Boston skin which offers much more
flexibility for such customized ZMI's because of it's
viewlet/manager concept and drop the Rotterdam skin.

Having developed on and for Zope for nearly ten years now, I can say that there is no such thing as "traditional zope development" :).
There are a lot of ways to get things done.

Roger Ineichen
Projekt01 GmbH
Jeff Shell
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