On Tuesday 22 August 2006 09:27, David Pratt wrote:
> Hi Stephan. Could a Zope3 branch be set up in the zope repository so
> that your enhanced tables code can be added to the branch (so contents
> view refactored using it)? The contents view class could be the model
> for using the tables package in zope3. In fact, it could be become the
> base class with overrides to columns for custom views to provide sorting
> and batching (with the capability of displaying DC data).

Note that I am -1 for including zc.table at this stage. I feel that it needs 
some more thought and real-life usage. Note: I use zc.table *a lot*!

> Has anyone an opinion about Boston vs Rotterdam as default skin and
> the need for a generic batching utility? I think at some point, it is
> time to say out with the old and in with the new - particularly since
> viewlets factor largely in skinning (and skinning flexibility). I think
> if this is what is advocated for skinning, Zope3 ought to be presented
> with a default skin that uses this approach. Many thanks.

I personally do not care about the ZMI at all. For the customer I never base 
any code on those skins, since they are insanely complex. Of course, Boston 
is mainly so complex, because of all the slots that are required from 
Rotterdam. :-(

As for batching, it would be nice to have a utility, but I would like to see 
some "out-of-core" implementation first and see it evolve a couple 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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