Hello everyone,

Does anyone know the easiest way to let people (principals of a site) develop their own pages with no knowledge about zop3 structure? AFAIK The users need to make their own pages with HTML (more generally ZPT) and upload them as a ZPT page.

I dont want my whole website skin to disappear so I use the context/@@standard_macros/page for the zpt page.

when I add it, the page renders fine for the Manager(ZCML) but not for other principals, apparently the title for each principal can not be traversed.

this is my zpt page which I upload through the ZMI as Manager:

<html metal:use-macro="context/@@standard_macros/page">


and here is the error:
File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/tales/tales.py", line 696, in evaluate
   return expression(self)
  - /home/hassan/HOMEPAGE2/modules/ISI/skin/template_tablelayout.pt
  - Line 59, Column 36
  - Expression: <PathExpr standard:u'request/principal/title'>
  - Names:
     {'args': (),
      'container': <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0xb50880ac>,
      'context': <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0xb50880ac>,
      'default': <object object at 0xb7d44550>,
      'loop': {},
      'nothing': None,
      'options': {},
      'repeat': {},
'request': <zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest instance URL=>,
      'template': <zope.app.zptpage.zptpage.ZPTPage object at 0xb50885ec>,
'usage': <zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate.TemplateUsage object at 0xb503654c>} File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/tales/expressions.py", line 217, in __call__
   return self._eval(econtext)
File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/tales/expressions.py", line 194, in _eval
   ob = self._subexprs[-1](econtext)
File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/tales/expressions.py", line 124, in _eval
   ob = self._traverser(ob, element, econtext)
File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/app/pagetemplate/engine.py", line 68, in __call__
File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/traversing/adapters.py", line 164, in traversePathElement
   return traversable.traverse(nm, further_path)
- __traceback_info__: (<zope.app.security.principalregistry.UnauthenticatedPrincipal object at 0xb7390b6c>, 'title') File "/usr/local/Zope-3.3.0c1/lib/python/zope/traversing/adapters.py", line 52, in traverse
   raise TraversalError(subject, name)
- __traceback_info__: (<zope.app.security.principalregistry.UnauthenticatedPrincipal object at 0xb7390b6c>, 'title', []) TraversalError: (<zope.app.security.principalregistry.UnauthenticatedPrincipal object at 0xb7390b6c>, 'title')


Not is this the expected behavior or am I doing something wrong???

thanks for any help.

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