On 29 Mar 2007, at 15:11 , Darryl Cousins wrote:
On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 14:44 +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
Darryl Cousins wrote:
On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 05:52 -0400, Fred Drake wrote:
On 3/29/07, Darryl Cousins <darryl- [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
but the line previous says

  data = {}

So my validator always receives an empty dictionary to validate.
The validator is responsible for populating `data` with the valid
values.  That's definitely covered in the docs somewhere.


Cheers for the reply Fred. Indeed form.txt in formlib does say:

If the validator is provided as a method name, the method  will be
called with the action and a dictionary in which to save data.

Then the assumption is that the custom validator method will get the
submitted values from the form object (also passed to the method along with the action and `empty` dictionary, though that isn't mentioned in
form.txt). I'm thinking that the use-case for this functionality has
been lost in development; historical flotsam. Who, after all, needs an
empty dictionary passed to a method? And the method is expected to
return <quote form.txt> a (usually empty) list of widget input errors.
So what is the point of having an empty dict to populate?

`data` itself is not returned, nor available outside the method, so your answer "with the valid values" makes little sense to me. But maybe I'm
missing something?

You are. The validator is not given just *any* empty dictionary, it is
given the data dictionary that will later be passed to the action.

OK. Then what I'm missing is how to assign a value to that variable
`data` because in my code

def my_validator(form, action, data):
        data = {'blah':'forgive me'}
        print data

Dude, you really need to learn about Python object identities and references... What you're doing is creating a *new* dictionary (that's what the {} literal does in Python) and assigning that to a local scope variable. The 'data' object that's passed in as a parameter is no longer referenced. You want to say::

  data['blah'] = 'forgive me'.

If you're familiar with C, think of every variable in Python as a pointer to the actual, real object.
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