On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 12:42:55PM -0400, Stephan Richter wrote:
> > So, in my snippet-way, it looks like that for every widget:
> >
> > <span replace="structure view/widgets/mywidget/snippets/foo" />

Too many slashes!  My brain is exploding.

> > And in the macro-style? Perhaps like that?
> >
> > <span metal:use-macro="snippets/foo">
> >   <span metal:fill-slot="snippet">
> >     <span replace="structure view/widgets/mywidget/render />
> >   </span>
> > </span
> This is overcomplicated. If I remember correctly, you can do:
> <tal:block define="widget view/widgets/mywidget">

Almost.  You need a nocall: there

  <tal:block define="widget nocall:view/widgets/mywidget">

>   <span metal:use-macro="macro:snippet" />

It's the first time I see 'macro:' in TALES expressions.  Interesting.

> </tal:block>
> Also, if you do not like macros, you can register simple views to have:
> <span replace="structure view/widgets/mywidget/foo" />
> For me the cost of the snippet is too high:
> 1. It introduces a new pattern for cases that are well-covered otherwise.
> 2. It requires a new directive.
> But as I said before, you should publish your work and see how people like it.

FWIW I'm with Stephan on this one.  Too many new concepts.

Marius Gedminas
A computer without Windows 9x is like a fish without a bicycle.
                -- With apologies to Gloria Steinem

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