
This was answered recently me thinks.



On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 11:37 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, I'm using an invariant to check if given passwords are equal.
> I've found two different examples(see below), but both don't display my given 
> exception message. The only thing i get is the standard error message.
> Since this is my first experience with zope, could someone explain to me the 
> correct way to get a custom error message with invariants?
> Thanks!!!
> I'm using zope version 3.3.1.
> First example
> (taken from: 
> http://blog.gocept.com/zope3-testen-von-felderuebergreifenden-bedingungen-in-interfaces-mit-zope-formlib/):
> class PasswordsAreNotEqual(zope.schema.ValidationError):
>     u"""Das Passwort und die Wiederholung sind nicht gleich."""
>     zope.interface.implements(zope.app.form.interfaces.IWidgetInputError)
> def arePasswordsEqual(obj)
>     if obj.password != obj.password2:
>         raise PasswordsAreNotEqual
> from zope.interface import Interface, invariant
> class IUser(Interface):
>     password = zope.schema.Password(title=u"Passwort")
>     password2 = zope.schema.Password(title=u"Wiederholung des Passworts")
>     arePasswordsEqual = invariant(arePasswordsEqual)
> Second example
> (taken from:
> http://blog.gocept.com/zope3-testen-von-felderuebergreifenden-bedingungen-invariants-in-interfaces-mit-zope-formlib-aktualisiert)
> import zope.interface
> class IUser(zope.interface.Interface):
>     password = zope.schema.Password(title=u"Passwort")
>     password2 = zope.schema.Password(title=u"Wiederholung des Passworts")
>     @zope.interface.invariant
>     def arePasswordsEqual(user):
>         if user.password != user.password2:
>             raise zope.interface.Invalid(
>                 u"""Das Passwort und die Wiederholung sind nicht gleich.""")

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