On Nov 17, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Stephan Richter wrote:

Hi everyone,

I just updated the Zope 3.4 KGS with some new features.

1. You only need to upload the "controlled-packages.cfg" file now; all other
files are generated.

2. The "controlled-packages.cfg" file now supports a name and version option. Thus, all generated files are versioned now. The unversioned version of the
files refers to the latest one.

3. A new "links.html" file now lists all packages in one URL, so that it is suitable for the "find-links" option. (I have not tested this yet, anyone?)


4. A new "minimal/" folder now contains an index just of the controlled packages. This minimal index can be used by compoze as one contributing index. (I have not tested this yet, can anyone try this and report how it can
be done?)

Very cool, thank you!  I'll try this.

5. There is now an introduction page called "intro.html" that lists all versions and files. It also explains how to use the files. See:

6. The KGS now supports extensions, meaning one KGS can build on another. You simply specify the "extend" option in the "[KGS]" section of the controlled packages configuration file. This should allow frameworks built on top of
Zoep 3, like grok, to build their own KGS without much effort.

That said, I would really like for people to test all the features and see
whether they work for them.

But most importantly, I would like for people to contribute to the "Usage"
section of the introduction page!

Thanks to all for listening!

Note that if the KGS really wants to be a KGS (literally "known good", it's a matter of semantics, not of technology):

- An invariant must be met that only one version of each package should be present in the index.

- The set is frozen (no packages will be added to or removed from or changed).

The first is true for what we have now neither of the "minimal" set or the set you're calling the "KGS". The second I'm pretty sure is not true of the thing you're calling the KGS (it still mirrors the cheeseshop regularly), I'm not sure about the intent for the "minimal" set.

- C

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