Jim Fulton a écrit :
> On Dec 6, 2007, at 8:51 AM, Jean-François Roche wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  I am working with zope 2 and an happy user of buildout.
>>  But ... as soon as I am trying to use package such as z3c.sqlalchemy
>> or z3c.menu I get "polluted" by zope 3 depedencies which of course brake
>> my buildout environment.
>>  So question: Does someone know a way to tell to zc.buildout that he
>> shouldnt install the depedencies of an egg which is defined in the "egg
>> =" of the buildout section inside the buildout.cfg ?
> There is no way to do that.  Doing so doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

Ok :( , what should i do ?

  * Recompile my own eggs without depedencies ?
  * run my instance with a Makefile with a script which removes unwanted
depedencies ?
  * using/create another recipe to remove selected depedencies ?
  * try to convince you that it is a good idea ?

Thanks for your reply,


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