On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 02:06:08PM +0800, 曹星明 wrote:
> I'm a newbie to the zope 3. Today I was at a loss because I found all of the
> names of the interfaces are the same 'InterfaceClass'.
> >>>  from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass
> >>>  from zope.component import interfaces
> >>>  for x in dir(interfaces):
> >>>  obj = getattr(m,x)
> >>>  if isinstance(obj, InterfaceClass):
> >>>      obj.__class__.__name__
> InterfaceClass
> InterfaceClass
> ......
> ......
> InterfaceClass
> InterfaceClass
> who can tell me why?

Because interfaces are objects of class InterfaceClass.

> How can I get the real name of the interface?

Forget the __class__.

  >>> for x in dir(interfaces):
  ...     obj = getattr(interfaces, x)
  ...     if isinstance(obj, InterfaceClass):
  ...         obj.__name__

I'd also suggest using IInterface instead of InterfaceClass to
distinguish interfaces from other objects:

  >>> from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
  >>> for x in sorted(dir(interfaces)):
  ...     obj = getattr(interfaces, x)
  ...     if IInterface.providedBy(obj):
  ...         obj.__name__

Marius Gedminas
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