Hi David,

I've tried out the methods described here:

and have plumped for the buildout.sh shell script which builds python
and then uses that to bootstrap and re-continue the buildout. It is
working well and I see that all eggs are then compiled with the compiled

I had already begun using a Makefile to build/test/run the project so I
find it convenient to use a shell script in the mix.


On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 21:03 -0400, David Pratt wrote:
> Hey Darryl. Our minds were in a similar place today. I finally had 
> decided to move away from my system python starting on my mac and also 
> having a spot of trouble. I put something simple together below to 
> illustrate what happened in my instance.
> Here the eggs built with the python would not install. I initially 
> though it was the lxml I was compiling, but it was just happened to be 
> the first part requiring the custom-python. Eggs were made, and I could 
> see the temp folder also, but when was finalizing the install, it threw 
> the error and without much verbosity, the tempfolder it was installing 
> into disappeared.
> Note, I did not include the custom-python as a part in the buildout. I 
> tend to like the python24:location type of notation since it is fairly 
> explicit when you have a number of pieces of software you are building.
> Regards
> David
> [buildout]
> develop = .
> parts = python24
>          interpreter
> index = http://download.zope.org/ppix
> log-level = DEBUG
> [python24]
> recipe = zc.recipe:cmmi
> url = http://python.org/ftp/python/2.4.4/Python-2.4.4.tgz
> [custom-python]
> executable = ${python24:location}/bin/python
> [interpreter]
> recipe = zc.recipe.egg
> interpreter = interpreter
> eggs = Cheetah==1.0
> python = custom-python
> Here are the highlights:
> Some verification it is using the right python...
> Getting distribution for 'Cheetah==1.0'.
> We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
> Picked: setuptools = 0.6c7
> Running easy_install:
> /Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/parts/python24/bin/python 
> "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mUNxd" 
> "/Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/tmprQq-MH" "-v" 
> "/Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/download-cache/dist/Cheetah-1.0.tar.gz"
> path=/Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/setuptools-0.6c7-py2.4.egg
> Processing Cheetah-1.0.tar.gz
> Last few lines of output.. some time later.
> changing mode of 
> /Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/tmprQq-MH/Cheetah-1.0-py2.4-macosx-10.3-ppc.egg/EGG-INFO/top_level.txt
> to 755
> changing mode of 
> /Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/tmprQq-MH/Cheetah-1.0-py2.4-macosx-10.3-ppc.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/cheetah
> to 755
> changing mode of 
> /Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/tmprQq-MH/Cheetah-1.0-py2.4-macosx-10.3-ppc.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/cheetah-compile
> to 755
> Installed 
> /Users/davidpratt/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2/eggs/tmprQq-MH/Cheetah-1.0-py2.4-macosx-10.3-ppc.egg
> Because this distribution was installed --multi-version, before you can
> import modules from this package in an application, you will need to
> 'import pkg_resources' and then use a 'require()' call similar to one of
> these examples, in order to select the desired version:
>      pkg_resources.require("Cheetah")  # latest installed version
>      pkg_resources.require("Cheetah==1.0")  # this exact version
>      pkg_resources.require("Cheetah>=1.0")  # this version or higher
> Note also that the installation directory must be on sys.path at runtime for
> this to work.  (e.g. by being the application's script directory, by 
> being on
> PYTHONPATH, or by being added to sys.path by your code.)
> While:
>    Installing interpreter.
>    Getting distribution for 'Cheetah==1.0'.
> Error: Couldn't install: Cheetah 1.0
> [mac-pg:~/Desktop/Buildouts/osxdeploy2] davidpra%
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > 
> > On Dec 20, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Darryl Cousins wrote:
> >> I'm trying to created an isolated environment using buildout. I had
> >> understood that defining a custom build python would ensure that all
> >> eggs are installed and compiled with the custom python.
> >>
> >> But when the buildout comes to install ZODB it is being compiled agains
> >> the system python headers. (-I/usr/include/python2.4). Which is not what
> >> I want, and at that point the custom python has not even been built.
> >>
> >> Any thoughts.
> >>
> >> [buildout]
> >> python = custom-python
> >> parts = python
> >>     custom-python
> >>
> >>
> >> [python]
> >> recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
> >> url = http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.4/Python-2.4.4.tar.bz2
> >> extra_options = --with-threads
> >>                --with-readline
> >>                --enable-unicode=ucs2
> >>
> >> [custom-python]
> >> executable = ${buildout:parts-directory}/python/bin/python
> > 
> > 
> > Your buildout doesn't mention ZODB3 or anything that uses it, so it is 
> > hard to comment.
> > 
> > Jim
> > 
> > -- 
> > Jim Fulton
> > Zope Corporation
> > 
> > 
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