On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 11:22:12AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How do you develop in zope 3?

The old-fashioned way, still.  I haven't made the jump to eggs yet.

> So
> basically, what I do is:
>   # Create a virtual environment
>   $ python2.4 bin/virtual-python.py --prefix=~/zope3/
>   # install easy_setup
>   $ ~/zope3/bin/python bin/ez_setup.py

Check out virtualenv.  It's a better virtual-python that automatically
installs easy_install for you.

>   # Install zopeproject (of course, all these steps are made just once)
>   $ ~/zope/bin/easy_install zopeproject
>   # make the projects
>   $ ~/zope/bin/zopeproject webdev

Marius Gedminas
Every nonempty totally-disconnected perfect compact metric space is
homeomorphic to the Cantor set.

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