Hi Kevin,

On Mon, 2008-05-26 at 16:58 -0700, Kevin Teague wrote:

> You can avoid storing user specific information in your buildout.cfg  
> by creating a ~/.buildout/default.cfg file in your home directory that  
> contains user specific information:
> [buildout]
> eggs-directory = /Users/kteague/buildouts/shared/eggs

Yep, I did that.

> If you leave the eggs-directory line out of a buildout.cfg, and it  
> doesn't exist within a developer's ~/.buildout/default.cfg file, then  
> buildout will simply create an eggs directory inside the project and  
> put all of the eggs there. 

AH HA! My 2 brain cells didn't communicate the fact that I could just
leave it out of the buildout.cfg and it would be recreated on their


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