Hi Joe,

Plone is based on zope2 (though it uses nowadays a lot of zope3 packages

On Windows I usually avoid having both Plone/Zope2 and Zope 3. Most probably
zope 3 and zope 2 are conflicting in this case due to which you are not able
to see
 from zope.app.winservice.service import Service

which is a zope3 class.

My usual configuration on Windows is:
- Python 2.4
- Python for Windows extensions
- Zope 3
- Other Python packages which don't conflict with zope 3.  (PIL, reportlab

With regards,
- Shailesh

On 7/7/08, Joe Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi Shalesh,
> Thanks for the reply,
> Yes, I installed python 2.4 pywin32-211
> I did not use eggs or buildout.
> I can start it with runzope.bat
> Here is what I see in the ZMI under Runtime information
> Runtime Information Server Control Database Schemas ZODB Control
> Translation Domains Registration
> * Errors
> * Undo!
> * Undo more
> * Undo all
> * Help
> Uptime
> 0 day(s) 02:00:09
> System platform
> Windows chm036 XP 5.1.2600
> Zope version
> 3.3.0
> Python version
> 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> Command line
> C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0\bin\runzope
> Preferred encoding
> cp1252
> FileSystem encoding
> mbcs
> Process id
> 2272
> Python path
> * C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0\lib\python
> * C:\Zope\2.9.8\Python\Lib\site-packages
> * C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0\bin
> * C:\Program
> Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c7-py2.4.egg
> * C:\Program
> Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\archgenxml-2.0-py2.4.egg
> * C:\ArchGenXML\src
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Zope\lib\python
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\python24.zip
> * C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0\bin
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\DLLs
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\plat-win
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\lib-tk
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\PIL
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\win32
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\win32\lib
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin
> * C:\Program Files\Plone2.5.5\Python\lib\site-packages\wx-2.6-msw-ansi
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Shailesh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Monday, July 07, 2008 9:54 AM
> *To:* Joe Bigler
> *Subject:* Re: [Zope3-Users] Cannot install Zope 3.3.0 as a Windows
> Service
>  Do you have Python for Windows extensions installed?
> You may get it from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
> - Shailesh
> On 7/7/08, Joe Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I am installing this on Windows XP, Service Pack 2
>>  Hello, I am looking for some help installing Zope 3.3.0 as a Windows
>> service. When I run the C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0>python bin\zopeservice.py
>> --startup auto install I get a message I placed in the paste
>> http://paste.lisp.org/display/63370. I tried Zope IRC and I have looked
>> in the Zope book and searched on line, but can't find anyone with this
>> problem. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
>> Here is the message I pasted.
>> C:\Zope\Instance\3.3.0>python bin\zopeservice.py --startup auto install
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "bin\zopeservice.py", line 84, in ?
>>     from zope.app.winservice.service import Service
>> ImportError: No module named winservice.service
>> Thanks,
>> Joe Bigler
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