It's not the most elegant way but it does the job:

    def updateWidgets(self):
        super(StepAddForm, self).updateWidgets()
        AddAction = button.StaticButtonActionAttribute(
            u'Add Action',
        zope.component.provideAdapter(factory=AddAction, name='title')
        super(StepAddForm, self).updateWidgets()

where o_action_list is the zope.schema.List field.

I have to call super(StepAddForm, self).updateWidgets() because
self.widgets is not avalaible before the call.


On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 3:12 AM, Simon Elbaz <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the z3c.form.AddForm, zope.schema.List field is rendered with
> Add/Delete buttons.
> How to customize those labels ?
> My code does not have any effect:
> AddAction = button.StaticButtonActionAttribute(
>     u'Add Action', button=multi.MultiWidget.buttons['add'],
>         form=StepAddForm)
> Thanks for your help
> Simon Elbaz
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