David Holden wrote:
> Hi, I'm working throw the ZDevelopers guide, and want to try using nested
> ZClasses,
> e.g.
> I have a product CDcollection, which contains a ZClass ZCDcollection, I want
> ZCDcollection to contain instances of a sub class ZCDinformation (for
> individual CDs).
> According to the Doc's I should make the top class "ZCDcollection" a sub
> class of object manager and then create the subclass "ZCDinformation" in the
> methods tab of the ZCDcollection class.
> The docs say that Zope should then make this available in the subobjects tab
> of "ZCDcollection"
> but it doesn't.
> The only way I can get the ZCDinformation class avialable in the subobjects
> tab of the ZCDcollection class is if I make the ZCDinformation class at the
> same level as the ZCDcollection class, i.e. under product/CDcollection
> folder.
> in summary
> Products/CDcollection/ZCDcollection
> Products/CDcollection/ZCDinformation
> makes ZCDinformation avialable to the ZCDcollection subobjects tab
> but
> Products/CDcollection/ZCDcollection/ZCDinformation does not?
>  Can any one explain this?

In the latter case, you don't get a choice as to whether ZCDinformation
is an allowed subobject.

Try instantiating a ZCDcollection. You'll find that you can instantiate
ZCDinformation objects inside it, whatever you have selected in the
subobjects tab.

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

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