> Message: 48
> From: "Wolfgang Strobl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: GMD
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 14:10:32 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Win98 and WEBDAV - you ought to see it if you can
> On 22 May 2000, 6:41  Paul Browning wrote:
>> Question: If WEBDAV works so well under Win98 does it
>> also work just as well under Win2K? Perhaps someone
>> who will admit to using Win2K can confirm this? It might
>> even motivate me to upgrade from NT .....
> I'm using Win2000 at work. Opening a webdav folder works, so
> does renaming or moving objects around. Copying from a local
> folder to a remote zope works too. But the reverse direction results
> in a "Error Copying File or Folder: An error occured while copying
> the file. The requested header was not found" sometimes. Copying
> a different file got me "The current operation cannot be completed
> because an unexpected error has occured".

Thanks for the feedback on Win2K. A Bristol colleague reports:
"I can't currently get it to work under Win2k (keeps prompting
me for the location of webfldrs.msi) ..."

> In short, it's too buggy for doing real work.

Yeah - I thought the problems had been sorted under Win98 - but
I re-discovered this gotcha (which I was getting under NT4): you
can copy .htm files TO Zope but not back again. And changing the file
name and/or extension doesn't offer a workaround. Bit of a shame
that ....


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