A curious problem has just manifested itself.

Pertinent technical stuff: Zope 2.1.6, Linux Red Hat 6.1, ZMySQLDA 1.1.3

I've just copied and pasted some methods (including some ZSQL methods)
from a colleague's project folder to the folder for a new project, using
the management intrface copy and paste facility.

In the manage interface, clicking on a DTML method is fine, but when I
click on a ZSQL method in the folder list to change the database
connection (since the connection for the colleague's project won't exist),
Zope quits silently, no log errors, no shutdown messages, no console


 John Chandler  /  Software Developer  /  New Information Paradigms Ltd
   [ Linux in the office, AmigaOS in the home, PalmOS in the pocket ]
 The opinions above aren't those of my company...
                           ...but then, they aren't really mine either.

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