On Fri, 26 May 2000, Timothy Wilson wrote:

> On Fri, 26 May 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> > >How many are still interested in this?
> > 
> > I was among one of the first to be active in the zope-edu list and I am
> > still interested and even working on a product for course maintenance. I
> > even sent Shane an immature snapshot, but had to reimplement the product
> > because of nesting ZClasses (sigh). Moreover, I was changing jobs as well,
> > which did not exactly help in getting things from the ground.
> > 
> > So - yes I'm still interested Shane.
> I'm still very much interested in this. School's out in a week or so, and I
> plan to work hard this summer worked on developing Zope stuff to be used
> here at school. I would love to renew the discussions.

You know, there's the python edu-sig (http://www.python.org/sigs/edu-sig)  
- i wonder whether there's some point in crossing over the efforts?  On
the plus side, there's a number of educators there with real interest in
teaching programming in a good way, on the minus side, their charter is
pretty much python oriented, and zope may be a more narrow context than
they would wish to dwell within.  I mean, i'm not sure how the slightly
different agendas would work out...

Ken Manheimer

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