I've got a newbie question that I can't seem to find an answer to after
checking docs/faqs.  This is sort of design-related.

   Presently I write web pages as tabled modules which are each put into
various *.html files.  I then string pages together with various modules
using server side includes along with whatever specific code/text goes into
that page.

   I figured this would be easy to do with Zope.  I created a subdirectory
called "modules" and put some modules into that; for example, "leftbuttons"
is a dtml method containing a table data block which contains the standard
left menu button HTML.  I figured I could whip up a page and at the
appropriate place in that page, do a '<dtml-var "modules.leftbuttons">' and
have that code inserted into the page.

   That was my thinking.  "leftbuttons" views properly by itself.  However,
when I try that dtml-var statment above, the page displays raw HTML. 
Obviously I'm using a wrong tactic or am not grasping a concept here. 
Anyone want to smack me (again:-) with a clue-bat?  TIA.

 Regards, | Moore's Law: Every 2 years CPU power will double.
 .        | 
 Randy    | Gates' Law: Every 18 months software speed will halve.

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