Chris Withers wrote:
> Michael Bernstein wrote:
> > As I recall (from a WebObjects demonstartion I sat through a
> > long time ago), WO creates the most godawful mangled URLs
> > that I had ever seen. As a result, a WO site cannot be
> > spidered by search engines, or converted to a static copy
> > using wget.
> Zope's not too hot on this either what with index_html instead of
> index.html the problem of "is /something' a 'file' or a 'folder' from
> wget's point of view?"

Wget would regard /something as a file. bur it would regard
/something/ as a default document in a folder.

> IIRC, it currently would download a zope folder object as a single file
> :(
> I've also been bitten by this in Wiki's since links aren't generated
> with absolute_url and so I sometimes get
> /MyWikiFolder/OneWikiPage/AnotherWikiPage which throws up a nasty
> __getitem__ exception (particularly in Netscape, which seems to like
> appending / onto the end of FrontPage in the URL box...)

This sounds like a Wiki problem rather than a Zope problem.

As Zope will access /something and /something/ the same,
it's trivial to make sure that all URLs that link to an
object include a trailing /.

Wget assumes that when it crawls to a something/ location
that it is accessing the default file for the directory, so
it saves the resulting page as something/index.html .

Whatever webserver you use can be set to regard index.html
as the default file, so the link (which is still pointing to
/something/) will work just fine.

The only problem crops up with inline links that don't
conform to the /something/ format. All automatically
generated links (as in navigation bars) on the sites I
create end with a trailing /.


Michael Bernstein.

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