At 7:07 pm +0100 7/6/00, josh on wrote:
> > sure - where is it? :)
>great question, it took me ages to finds this again, I think it could be
>linked from zope resources, or documentation,
>it is in in the zdp:
>this is a link to the appropriate section, there is an answer to the
>question, how do I define variables in zope, which has the dtml-let answer,
>but it is less explicit and fleshed out than yours.
>josh on
Ok, I've uploaded it to the FAQ, but 'cos I didn't read the docs.
it's uploaded as the contents of the email I sent ;) - it's
readable, just seems a little out of context..
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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