
 I am trying to only perform a task if there are less than a certain amount
of records returned by a query.

Jonothan gave me the variable name for the record count:

> > is there an easy way to get a record count of total number of items or
> > iterations returned by a dtml-in tag?
> <dtml-var sequence-length>
> --jfarr

But I am struggling to put that into an if statement:

<dtml-in linescontributed>
line:<dtml-var content><br>
<dtml-var sequence-length><br>
<dtml-if "sequence-length == 10">

There are ten lines returned by this query but zope sees the line:

<dtml-if "sequence-length == 10">

and thinks I am trying to say sequence minus length,
rather than refer to the dtml var sequence-length

Could anyone help me ut with this?

josh on

On another smaller note how do I write a greater than sign in this context?

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