Graham Chiu wrote:
> This has been mentioned before, but some sites like the main PHP one
> allow visitors to add comments to web pages.
> My thought was that this should be relatively easy to implement with the
> site.  A small form at the bottom of each page, URL0 indexed in
> a SQL table, and when a page is accessed, commentary is returned ordered
> by submission date.
> You may wish to allow only members rather visitors to make comments.
> Anything wrong with this scenario ( apart from comments not being
> Catalogued ) ?

Not to put down your idea, but in what way is this not addressed? 
There are already free accounts for everyone to submit their own
content (not just comments, but anything that can be put in a member
folder) and access to wikis for everyone.

For a site devoted to advancement of a product, aren't wikis more
useful than comment pages?

New ideas are, of course, encouraged.


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