----- Original Message -----
From: "Cesar A. K. Grossmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 7:34 PM
Subject: [Zope] LoginManager HOWTO?

> I'm looking for a sequence of steps needed to configure and use the
> LoginManager. How to add users? How to add local roles? How to integrate
> it whith LDAP (not for now, but in the future)? How to use a RDBMS
> server, like PostgreSQL, to store the accounts (in case I cannot put
> LDAP up an running)?

I haven't actually announced this outside of the PTK list, because this
stuff is still subject to change. But, the Membership Product can give you
some pointers on getting a LoginManager running.


Make sure you have PythonMethods installed. After you set up a Membership
system, you'll end up with a functional, configured LoginManager. The reason
I warn people that future versions may not be compatible is that the user
objects that are created in the current Membership product may have their
data stored differently in the next version, and it's probably not worth
writing conversion code at this point.

I don't believe they are available at this time, but it won't be long before
there are both LDAP and SQL UserSources for LoginManager, I'm sure. Once
this happens, all you need to do is install those UserSources and your
LoginManager will try to authenticate to them.


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