On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:40:53AM +0200, Martijn Pieters wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 06:31:36PM +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > 
> > *grumble* I'm sure I saw a post to slashdot saying M17 was out...
> > yep, I did, 
> > http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/26/1655250&mode=nested
> > 
> > "net of a million lies", indeed.
> Slashdot has the journalistic integrity of a cod fish. One of the replies on
> the page scolds the writer for _another_ mistake about this. Personally, I
> have given up on slashdot.

That's the kind of situation from which Hack&Roll was conceived

(Ok, that's half the reason... the more important half is that
it lost contact with Free Software philosophy - with both
articles about proprietary software that don't mean a thing for
a Free-Software-head, and clueless "you spoiled commie kids"
comments moderated up to the skies, but that's rather off-topic
here and now...)

          Hack and Roll  ( http://www.hackandroll.org )
            News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.

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