> I have attached appropriate patch for dtml-in tag for Zope 2.2.0b3/b4
> (Of course this patch was checked and works ok).

Thanks again for the patch.  It is a much needed option (and rather a glaring omission 
the original code).  So far it is working flawlessly for me.

> I want extend my proposal to others attributes like eg. size:
> <dtml-in SQL_search sort="expr:in_sort_by"
>                                       size="expr:REQUEST.user_list_size" 

Is this necessary?  I actually use a variable for size (size=list_size) in the same 
and that part seems to work just fine.  Maybe mine is a special case, but I don't 
think so.

> It is possible easy extend other DTML tags through the same way  too,
> but I dont know what other zopistas (especcially from DC)  thinks about this.

I for one am for it.  The lack of multiple and variable sort keys in version 2.14 were 
a major
hindrance to me.  I am sure that many tags could benefit from similar improvements.

Thanks again,


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